Update manager

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Revision as of 11:41, 11 July 2019 by Anatoly.k (talk | contribs)

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To update manager data click the nesessary manager name on the "Managers" page:


It will bring you to the "Manager details" page.

Here you can change permission levels, update general manager information, resend the invitation to the manager or delete the manager:


Press "Update" to fill in or renew all basic information about the particular manager:


After you fill in the boxes press the "Update" button to save changes or "Cancel" to revoke it.

"Can log in" allows you to see registered managers in the drop-down list when, for example, updating project details or creating a new project:

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Just unmark the checkbox and the manager will not appear in your drop-down list:

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Note: your manager will not be able to log into the system if you disable "Can login" button.

Press the "Resend invitation" button to resend the invitation to the manager.

Press the "Delete" button to delete the manager.

Note: you can't delete the manager that binds with a particular project.