Create client

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Revision as of 11:51, 13 October 2022 by Andrii (talk | contribs) (Primary user)

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New client page:

Add new clients

There are two ways to add new clients manually:

1. Click the Clients menu on the top panel and then click New client:


2. Or you may go to Clients → Clients list:


Then click the "New client" button:

Clients list new client button.png

In both cases, you will be redirected to the New client page.

General info

This page is intended for entering information about a new client:

Create new client.png

Primary user

Use the Primary user section to enter the client’s primary contact person:

Create new client (primary user).1.png

Once the client is created, the system will bring you to the Client view page where you can edit or add info about the client.

You will also be able to toggle the "Assignable to projects and quotes" option, which lets a manager create projects and quotes for this client (they will appear in the drop-down list). It can be used regardless of the "Can log in" option is enabled or not.

Note: If you mark the "Can log in" checkbox, the system will send an invitation to the client to join your company on Protemos once you finish creating the client.

You may leave the checkbox unmarked and send the invitation later from the Client profile page.

Note: Only clients with marked the "Can log in" checkbox can receive corresponding notification, create quote requests, projects from the system. Blue Board section (this option will be available soon)

  • Use the Blue Board section to enter the URL address of the client record on the Blue Board:


Note: The profile of a new client will be automatically linked to the Blue Board record if there is only one match (on country and company name).