Reports – Services – Finances by receivables and payables

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Reports – Services – Finances by articles:

To view the Finances per service by project balances reports, go to Reports=>Services=>Finances by project balances:


Here you may see your finances reports for each service based on the receivables.

Each of them is described below. All amounts are converted to the default currency of your account.

You can select the period of time for reporting, services and minimum profit share:


Note: Services with minimum profit share less then the specified won't be displayed as the individuals.

Their profit shares will be combined and shown as the "Other services".

Monthly income per service by project balances

This report shows the turnover per service based on receivables in the related projects:


Monthly profit per service by project balances

This report shows the profit for each service based on receivables in the related projects:


Monthly income share per service by project balances

This report shows how the income share of each service was changing each month:


Monthly profit share per service by project balances

This report shows how the profit share of each service was changing each month:


Income share per service by project balances

On this report you may see the shares of incomes each of the services brings over the selected period:


Profit share per service by project balances

On this report you may see the shares of profit each of the services brings over the selected period:


Finances per service by project balances summary table

This table shows all income, expense and profit amounts per service and month:
