Legal entities
Legal entities page:
General information
If you are using more than 1 legal entity for your business, you may enter them all into the system, and then use them in projects, quotes, invoices etc.
It means that you can set up different document items (logo, address, company name) for different legal entities.
To do so go to Settings => Legal entities:
Here you can see the list of your legal entities and add new legal entity, change default legal entity, update, delete logo, and delete the existing legal entities by clicking the corresponding buttons:
Add new legal entity
To add the new legal entity press the "New legal entity" button:
Enter the required information and press the "Create" button:
You may upload a logo which will be displayed in all documents generated by the system: invoices, POs, quotes, etc.
Note: Only PNG and JPEG images with a maximum size of 350×350 pixels are supported.
Change default legal entity
You can define Legal entity for your clients and vendors in their profiles in default settings, otherwise, they will have the default Legal entity.