Quote taxes section
In this section you can add new taxes, edit or delete the displayed ones by pressing corresponding buttons:
You may add taxes whether as a percentage or flat amount (the last one will be helpful if you have to pay some fixed governmental fee on each transaction).
Add quote percentage tax
1. To add a tax value as a percentage to the quote, press the "Add percentage tax" button:
Then select the tax name from the drop-down list, enter its value and press "Add":
Note : First, taxes should be created in System => Taxes => Taxes list, and only the taxes which are defined as the Percentage will be avaliavle in the list.
The tax will be added and displayed in the invoice details section:
You may add as many taxes as you need.
2. You can update the tax by pressing the "Update" button.
You may select another name from the drop-down list, and enter a new tax value:
Press "Update" to save changes.
3. To delete unneeded taxes, press the "Delete" button.