Job view

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Revision as of 17:01, 29 September 2017 by Anatoly.k (talk | contribs) (Job statuses)

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Jobs view page:ХХХХ (replace XXXX with the valid job number)

On this page, you can:

- Update the job details and change the job status, delete the job

- Add and editing the payables to the vendor

- Manage the files related to the job

Job statuses

Over the job details table, you can see the progress chart describing the workflow for the job:


The job may have the following statuses:

  • Draft – the job is still being edited and the vendor has not received any instructions to start.
  • Proposed to vendor – the manager has started the job, i.e. instructed the vendor to start working.
  • Confirmed by vendor – the vendor has confirmed that (s)he takes the job.
  • Completed – the vendor has delivered and completed the job.
  • Accepted by manager – the manager has checked the delivery and accepted it.

To get an idea how it looks from Vendor’s side, please have a look at Vendor Vendor user manual.

By default, every newly created job has “Draft” status, and you can update it with the buttons in the right upper corner.

If the vendor is not assigned, the following buttons are displayed:


Pressing “Assign vendor” opens the Job creation/editing page, where you can select the vendor for the job.

If the vendor is already selected, the buttons look like the following:


Start job – when you press this button, the system sends an email message to the vendor notifying that he has the new job to work on.

The vendor then logs into the system, downloads the files, and confirms the job by pressing the corresponding button in his interface.

For more details, please see Vendor Quick start Guide.

Note: it is recommended to enter payables and assign the files before pressing this button. For more info, pls see below.

Cancel – cancels the job. The job gets “Canceled” status, which can be changed by pressing “Update”.

Clone – copies the job. The job gets “Draft” status, which can be changed by pressing “Update”.

Update – opens Job creation/editing page where you may manually change the status of the job. This might be needed when you need to deviate from the normal workflow.

Delete – deletes the job. The system will ask you to confirm:


Payment to vendor

Under this header, you may enter how much you are going to pay to the vendor.

Please note that you need to select the vendor for the job before you can enter the payables.

If you are not going to pay for this job, you may mark it as free of charge.

To do this, you need to go to Job update page and select Free of charge checkbox.

You can revert “Free of charge” status by adding payable with the button “Add new payable”.

Note: The “Free of charge” status is made to differentiate free jobs from those where you just forgot to enter payable.

Thus, you will easily find the jobs with missing payables. If the job is “Free of charge”, then it has no missing payables.

To add a new payable, press “Add new payable”, it will open payable creation/editing page.

You can add many payables to one job:


Each payable can be cloned by clicking the “Clone” button and deleted by pressing the “Delete” button in the corresponding row.

Since this action cannot be reverted, the system will ask:


Also, you may update the payable by pressing “Update” button in the corresponding row.

It will open Payable creation/editing page. If the job status is not “Draft”, the vendor will be notified about payables changes by email.

Note: if the payable is included in vendor invoice, it cannot be deleted or edited. You’ll have to delete the invoice first.

Please see more info on vendor invoices here.

Job input files

Under this header, you can view the list of files included in this job.

The vendor gets these files through his interface, downloads them to his computer and works on them.

You can download each file by clicking its name, and you can download all the files together by clicking “Download as zip”:


If you want to change the list of files assigned to this job, press “Manage input files”. It will open Manage job input files page.