Vendor view page, General tab

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Revision as of 13:41, 13 November 2017 by Anatoly.k (talk | contribs) (Links of vendor profiles to profiles)

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Vendor view page – General tab:ХХХХ (replace XXXX with a valid number)

On this tab, you can:

- Edit the basic info about the vendor (e.g. name, address, status, VAT etc.)

- Send or resend the invitation to the vendor

- Delete the vendor

- Edit vendor’s payment terms

- Go to other tabs of the vendor

General information


To start editing the vendor, press "Update". It will open Update vendor details page.

To delete the vendor from your database, press "Delete".

Please note that you cannot delete the vendor with recorded jobs. But you may deactivate the vendor on Update vendor details page.

You may send the invitation to the vendor by pressing "Send invitation" (the button is available if you haven't sent the invitation).

You may resend the invitation to the vendor by pressing "Resend invitation".

To change the default currency, payment conditions and VAT for the vendor, press "Change default" in the Default settings section, and you will open Change default settings page:


Links of vendor profiles to profiles

If your vendor has account with the same email as in Protemos, the system will display the link to that account of vendor’s page:

Other tabs on the page

Primary user — the first contact person of the vendor.

Contact persons — the list of vendor’s contact persons (available if the vendor is a Company).

Prices — the list of prices agreed with the vendor.

Payment methods — the payment methods of the vendor.

Documents — intended for storing any documents related to the vendor.