Reports – Clients – Income by payments
Reports – Clients – Income by payments page:
To view the Monthly income per client by payments reports, go to Reports → Clients → Income by payments:
These reports show how the clients were paying you.
Each of them is described below. All amounts are converted to the default currency of your account.
You can filter the reports by the period of time for reporting, the clients, client countries, types, and legal entities:
To show charts, please select no more than 10 clients.
[hide]Monthly income per client by payments
Here you can see the amounts of payments per each client monthly:
Here you can see how the share of payments per client was changing monthly:
This diagram shows the share of each client in payments received over the specified period of time:
Monthly income per client by payments summary table
This table shows all payment amounts per client monthly:
Export data to Excel
You can export finances per client by payments reports to Excel by pressing the "Export to Excel" button over the upper right corner of the table: