MemoQ integration
MemoQ integration page:
Protemos is integrated with memoQ system — a translation environment tool.
That means that you can:
- Create projects in Protemos and copy them to memoQ.
- Create memoQ projects and copy them to Protemos.
- Link and unlink projects between Protemos and memoQ.
- Transfer files between Protemos and memoQ.
- Import CAT logs from memoQ to Protemos.
[hide]Enable memoQ integration
1. To enable memoQ integration, go to Settings ⇾ Integrations ⇾ memoQ :
If you do not have a memoQ account, you can register it directly from this page by clicking the corresponding link:
2. Click the first link to copy your memoQ server URL and memoQ API access point URL.
3. Log in to memoQ if required, copy your memoQ server URL and memoQ API access point URL.
4. Click the "Enable" button:
5. Enter your memoQ API key sent by the memoQ customer support (you need Web Service API), the memoQ server URL and memoQ API access point URL, and click the "Update" button:
6. When done, your memoQ integration page will look like the following. You can disable this integration or update integration details any time by clicking the corresponding buttons:
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Create memoQ projects from Protemos projects
1. Create a project as normally, but first enable memoQ integration for your account, as described above.
2. Scroll down to the Linked memoQ project details section and click "Create memoQ project":
3. You can see the created memoQ project in the corresponding section:
4. You may open the project by clicking the project ID:
5. The project in memoQ created from Protemos has the same name, deadline, language pair, etc:
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Link and unlink projects between Protemos and memoQ
When you create memoQ project based on Protemos or vice versa, the projects in the two systems are linked with each other.
But sometimes you may need to link projects which were created in both systems independently.
Here are the steps that you need to take:
1. Open the project in Protemos you want to link with the memoQ project, and scroll down to the Linked memoQ project details section.
2. Click the "Link memoQ project" button:
3. Then click the "Link" button in the respective line:
3. The projects will become linked.
You may always unlink the projects by clicking the "Unlink memoQ project" button:
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Create Protemos projects from memoQ projects
1. Create a project in memoQ first.
2. Click the "New project from memoQ" button on the main Projects page:
3. Select a memoQ project to base a new Protemos project on by clicking "Create":
4. The system will create the same project in Protemos.
You may always open the project in memoQ or unlink projects by following the corresponding link and clicking the corresponding button:
Note: If you don't have the specified language pairs or clients in Protemos, you will get a "no matching" error. Make sure that you enter all the details correctly or add the needed information to Protemos.
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Transfer files between Protemos and memoQ
You can transfer project input files from Protemos to memoQ and project output files from memoQ to Protemos.
Transfer files to memoQ
1. Go to the Files tab in the respective project and upload a file as you usually do.
2. Click the "Transfer to memoQ" button for the uploaded file:
3. The following message from the system will appear:
4. If you open the project on memoQ, you’ll see the uploaded files there:
Note: If you entered several target languages, the file will be copied for every language.
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Transfer files from memoQ
1. Go to the Files tab in the respective project and scroll down to the Project output section.
2. Click the "Transfer all from memoQ" button:
3. The respective files will appear:
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Import CAT logs from memoQ to Protemos
You can transfer CAT log files from memoQ to Protemos.
1. Go to the CAT logs tab in the respective project, and click the "Import from memoQ" button:
2. Put ticks in the Import column for the respective CAT log files, rename if needed, and click the "Import selected CAT logs"
You may update, delete, and check the information about the CAT log by clicking the name of the file: