Project details, Finances tab

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Revision as of 14:28, 13 April 2018 by Anatoly.k (talk | contribs) (Payables to vendors)

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Project Details page, Finances tab:ХХХХХ (replace XXXXХ with the valid project number)

On the Finances tab of the Project page, you can:

- Add receivables from your client or mark the project as free of charge

- Open existing receivables for editing

- View payments to your vendor

Receivables from client

This is the summary of how much the client will pay to you.

You can add the receivable by pressing the "New receivable" button and choosing the base:


The "Flat rate" – if you just need to enter the amount of payable receivables without entering volumes and rates.

The "Unit based" – if you have to enter the volume and rate for calculating the price.

The "CAT log based" – if you have fuzzy matches logs generated by CAT tools and want to calculate discounts for each type of match.


It will open the Receivable creation/editing page.

If you are not going to charge the client for this project, you may mark it as free of charge by ticking the "Free of charge" checkbox while creating or updating a project:


It will hide "New receivable" button, and you won’t be able to enter the receivables. You can revert it by ticking off the "Free of charge" checkbox.

Note: the "Free of charge" status is made to differentiate free projects from projects without receivables (for example, you forgot to enter receivable).

Thus, you will easily find the projects with missing receivables. If the project is the "Free of charge", then it has no missing receivables.

Entered receivables can be edited, cloned, and deleted by pressing the corresponding buttons.

For the "CAT log based" receivables you may use the "View log" button.


Note: if the receivable has been already invoiced, you cannot delete it without deleting the invoice first.

Find more about invoicing customers on the Client invoices page.

Payables to vendors

This is the summary of how much you have to pay to your suppliers.


Note: The payables (as well as receivables) may be in different currencies, and the system automatically converts Grand Total to your default currency.

Each payable can be managed by pressing the "View log", "Clone", "Update", and "Delete" buttons.

To add new payables, go to the Jobs tab on the Project page.

You may do so by clicking the link above the payables table:


Project tabs

Apart from the Finances, the project has the following tabs:


  • The Details tab contains the project details you entered during the project creation and update, click to see the details.
  • The Files tab contains all the files related to the project, click to see the details.
  • The Jobs tab is used to assign the jobs to the vendors (e.g. translators, proofreaders etc.), click to see the details
  • The CAT logs tab calculates discounts for each type of match if you have fuzzy matches logs generated by CAT tools.