Import vendors from Excel
Vendors import page:
Watch our video tutorial on how to import vendors —
If you already have the list of vendors, their specializations, language pairs, contacts, and prices, you can easily import all the info on this page without entering such information manually.
First of all, before downloading the templates for importing, add the system values to the system because you'll need to select them from dropdown lists in the templates when populating them with the vendors' info.
It helps to avoid related errors when uploading the templates back into the system. The system values are language pairs, services, specializations, units, and currencies.
To import vendors, go to the Vendors page and click the "Import from Excel" button:
The vendors' information is imported step-by-step.
Please note that you have to import the Vendors.xls template first so that vendor profiles are created (this template also allows you to enter general information about vendors). Once it is done, you may import the other templates in any order:
- Vendors services — to enter services for vendors.
- Vendors language pairs — to enter language pairs for vendors.
- Vendors specializations — to enter specializations for vendors.
- Vendors contacts — for entering the information on additional contact persons.
- Vendors prices — to import prices for vendors.
- Vendors payments — to import the payments for vendors.
To import vendors:
1. Download the template file for import by clicking the "Download Excel template" link, and fill it out (below, there are detailed instructions for each template).
2. Click the "Choose file" button to upload the template with your information into the system.
3. Click the "Submit" button to import the template:
If the filled file has no mistakes, the information from it will be imported into the system.
Otherwise, the file will be returned with an indication of the found mistakes in the Errors column. Correct the mistakes to be able to import the information again.
Note: The importing feature can only be used for creating new profiles. It cannot be used for updating already existing ones (in this case, the template will be re-downloaded with a notification that the names are already used).
[hide]Import vendors' general information
1. Download and open the Vendors template. Here you can see the following:
2. Copy and paste the required information about vendors.
- The following fields are mandatory to fill in: First name; Last name; Email; Name; Type; Default legal entity; Default currency.
Also, you may fill in the "Can log in", "Assignable", and "Finances visible" fields so that you do not specify these settings manually for each vendor after the template is already imported (please check the instructions below).
3. You need to select required fields from drop-down lists: Gender, Type, Default legal entity, Country, and Default currency.
- Gender
- Type — company, freelancer, in-house:
- Default legal entity — if you are using more than 1 legal entity for your business, you may enter them all into the system. For more info, please check the Legal entities page:
- Country — should be specified using ISO-3166 alpha-2 code (see the list of codes here —
- Default currency — you should define this list for your account in Protemos before downloading the template. For more details, please check the Currencies page:
4. You need to enter 1 or 0 in the required fields: Can log in, Assignable, Finances visible, Works with all services, Works with all language pairs, and Works with all specializations.
- Can log in:
1 — vendors will be able to log in (in that case, vendors will get invitation emails from the system once you import the template).
0 — vendors will not be able to log in (in that case, invitation emails from the system will not be sent, but you can invite vendors later).
If this field is left blank, the vendors will not receive the invitation emails and will not be able to log in.
- Assignable:
1 — vendors will appear in the drop-down lists while assigning jobs.
0 — vendors will not appear in the drop-down lists, thus, you will not be able to assign jobs to them.
If this field is left blank, the vendors will not appear in the drop-down list.
You can change this setting in vendors' profiles at any time. For more details, please check the Assignability section.
- Finances visible:
1 — vendors can see their finances.
0 — the finances are hidden, and vendors will not get any finance-related notification.
If this field is left blank, the finances will be hidden for vendors.
You can change this setting in vendors' profiles at any time. For more details, please check the Access to finances section.
- Works with all services:
1 — vendors provide all the services;
0 — enter 0 if you need to select what services your vendors provide. It can be specified in the "Services" tab once the vendor profile is created or using the dedicated import template — VendorService.xlsx
Note: If 1 is entered, you will not be able to use the dedicated template for services importing later on (in this case, it will be possible to specify what services are provided by each vendor only manually).
If this field is left empty, it will also be indicated that the vendor(s) works with all the services.
- Works with all language pairs:
1 — vendors work with all the language pairs
0 — enter 0 if you need to select what language pairs your vendors work with. It can be specified in the "Language pairs" tab once the vendor profile is created or using the dedicated import template.
Note: If 1 is entered, you will not be able to use the dedicated template for language pairs importing later on (in this case, it will be possible to specify what language pairs each vendor works with only manually).
If this field is left empty, it will also be indicated that the vendor(s) works with all the language pairs.
- Works with all specializations:
1 — vendors work with all the specializations;
0 — enter 0 if you need to select what specializations your vendors work with. It can be specified in the "Specializations" tab once the vendor profile is created or using the dedicated import template.
Note: If 1 is entered, you will not be able to use the dedicated template for specializations importing later on (in this case, it will be possible to specify what specializations each vendor works with only manually).
If this field is left empty, it will also be indicated that the vendor(s) works with all the specializations.
Note: If there are any errors, the file will be re-downloaded with mistakes indicated in the "Errors" column.
Fix the errors and upload the file again.
Import vendors' services
1. Download and open the VENDORS SERVICES template:
2. Copy and paste the required information about your vendors' services.
3. You will need to select the required Service from the drop-down list in the template. You should define the Services before downloading the template:
4. If you need to enter several services for the vendor, you should add each of them in a separate line as shown in the example below:
Note: If there are any errors, the file will be re-downloaded with mistakes indicated in the "Errors" column. Fix the errors and upload the file again.
Import vendors' specializations
1. Download and open the VENDORS SPECIALIZATIONS template:
2. Copy and paste the required information about your vendors' specializations.
3. You will need to select the required Specialization from the drop-down list in the template. You should define the Specializations before downloading the template:
4. If you need to enter several specializations for the vendor, you should add each of them in a separate line as shown in the example below:
Note: If there are any errors, the file will be re-downloaded with mistakes indicated in the "Errors" column. Fix the errors and upload the file again.
Import vendors' language pairs
1. Download and open the VENDORS LANGUAGE PAIRS template:
2. Copy and paste the required information about your vendors.
3. Please select the required Languages from drop-down lists. You should define Language pairs before downloading the template:
4. If you need to enter several language pairs for the vendor, you should add each of them in a separate line as shown in the example below:
Note: If there are any errors, the file will be re-downloaded with mistakes indicated in the "Errors" column. Fix the errors and upload the file again.
Import vendors' contacts
1. Download and open the VENDORS CONTACTS template:
2. Copy and paste the required information about your vendors' contacts and select the gender from the drop-down list if necessary.
Note: If there are any errors, the file will be re-downloaded with mistakes indicated in the "Errors" column. Fix the errors and upload the file again.
Import vendors' prices
1. Download and open the VENDORS PRICES template:
2. Copy and paste the required information about your vendors.
3. Please select the required Service, Languages, Specialization, Unit, and Currency from drop-down lists. You should define System values before downloading the template.
4. If you need to enter specific prices for different specializations, language pairs, services, currencies, and units for the vendor, you should add all needed combinations in a separate line as shown in the example below:
Note: If there are any errors, the file will be re-downloaded with mistakes indicated in the "Errors" column. Fix the errors and upload the file again.
Import vendors' payments
1. Download and open the VENDORS PAYMENTS template:
2. Copy and paste the required information about your vendors.
3. Please select the required Currency from drop-down list. You should define Currencies before downloading the template.
Note: If there are any errors, the file will be re-downloaded with mistakes indicated in the "Errors" column. Fix the errors and upload the file again.